FISE Montpellier is firmly committed to reducing its environmental footprint and promoting sustainability at all levels of its organization. We recognize the crucial importance of preserving the environment for future generations, and strive to adopt environmentally-friendly practices in all aspects of our event. In order to fully commit to this approach, we are aiming to achieve ISO 20121 certification, the benchmark for sustainable event management.

Since 2021, we have been working on integrating a CSR approach into our business. Supported by the consulting firm SANAE, we are gradually entering a new vision of our development. We are aware that we have a long way to go to become a 100% responsible company. We don’t consider ourselves irreproachable, but we have set ourselves the goal of always doing better. Without any greenwashing, we’re proud to be able to highlight the steps we’ve already taken, and the objectives we’ve set for the next stages.

Plastic packaging

Representing 75% of the waste volume at FISE, plastic packaging is a real priority. The aim is to eliminate all single-use plastics at the festival within the next few years. Let’s start with water bottles, and bring your own flask!

Water fountains

80% of our plastic waste is water bottles. To reduce this volume, water fountains have been made available on site by the metropolis. Water bottles are on sale at the stands, but you can also bring your own and help us reduce our volume of waste!

Food waste

A number of Montpellier-based associations help FISE to recover unsold goods and redistribute them to those in need.


Reusing our structures, tarpaulins and fabrics saves raw materials, and reusing those that can no longer meet safety standards enables us to create new products. Last year, over 10 tonnes of materials were reused thanks to our partner Mas réemploi.

Responsible nutrition

local & seasonal food: Involving our catering partners in local and seasonal sourcing is a major focus of our responsible purchasing policy.

Plant-based food

Vegetarian menus are à la carte, and we work hard to ensure that our partners make them as attractive as possible.

Involving our stakeholders

Consultation with all those involved in the festival makes it possible to assess the impact of transport on the overall greenhouse gas emissions balance. It accounts for 75% of the event’s carbon footprint, and requires everyone’s involvement to reduce it. This is why we invite all our festival-goers, partners and volunteers to come to the festival using public transport, car-sharing and, of course, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc., as much as possible.

Strategic location

FISE Montpellier’s location on the banks of the River Lez, close to public transport links

Transport partners

There are plenty of transport solutions in the region, and we’re working (albeit modestly…) with them to offer you as many solutions as possible, so you can leave your car in the garage and come to the festival easily. Blablacar offers carpooling from all over France to FISE, and we invite you to download the app here. During the festival, the transport operator TAM Montpellier 3M is increasing traffic on the streetcars serving the Rives-du-Lez. Passes are free for residents of the metropolitan area.

An annual Bilan Carbone

We cannot claim to take into account the impact of our activity without a benchmark year. We carried out our first Bilan Carbone in 2022, and are continuing the process this year.

Reducing our consumption

Involve our partners in reducing their consumption, and ensure that they use the most energy-efficient tools.
reduce carbon emissions: The development of environmentally-friendly means of transport for teams on the festival site, as well as connection to the electricity grid to reduce our dependence on generators, are a priority.

Responsible purchasing policy

As a guarantee of our determination to improve the impact of our purchases, this policy aims to measure their impact, then to choose the products that validate the most sustainability criteria.

A new Responsible Purchasing Policy

Faced with today’s questioning consumption patterns, and a weakened economic, social and environmental context, we have a duty to be aware of the impact of our business activity and to take stock of it. As part of the general principles of our CSR Policy, the implementation of a Responsible Purchasing Policy goes hand in hand, enabling us to act on the market while protecting the environment.

Volunteer teams

Teams of specialized volunteers are dedicated to raising awareness of socially responsible values and practices among festival-goers and commercial partners.Don’t hesitate to ask them for advice, or to answer their questionnaires, so that we can improve year on year.

Disability integration

Teams of specialized volunteers are dedicated to raising awareness of socially responsible values and practices among festival-goers and commercial partners.Don’t hesitate to ask them for advice, or to answer their questionnaires, so that we can improve year on year.

Implication d’associations locales

Des stands sont dédiés aux associations Montpelliéraines correspondant aux valeurs portées par Hurricane. Ils proposent des activités ludiques alors va les voir, ils seront ravis d’échanger avec toi ! Si tu souhaites aller plus loin et leur faire un don, tu peux déposer ton ecocup du FISE dans les bornes de collectes dédiées afin de leur reverser une partie de la consigne.

A circular economy with local players

The circular economy can be defined as an economic system of exchange and production which, at all stages of the product life cycle (goods and services), aims to increase the efficiency of resource use and reduce the impact on the environment, while enhancing people’s well-being. The circular economy aims to go beyond the linear economic model. We are working with Mas Réemploi, Silibiliz and Spolia to reuse materials from Print Event and Hurricane Park.


Within the company, employees are consulted by means of an anonymous questionnaire. This helps us to question and improve our employees’ comfort at work. A Steering Committee meets quarterly to take stock of all Hurricane Group’s CSR initiatives. The members are all employees, and are a valuable channel of communication for the whole Group. Regular awareness-raising among the company’s employees It’s important to involve employees in the company’s approach. As well as informing them of the actions undertaken, awareness-raising is essential to ensure that everyone takes ownership of the issues integrated by management into the heart of the company’s activities.

Targeted communication

The scope of the festival makes it a megaphone for the ecological transition.We take care to convey messages of social and environmental responsibility.

Disability integration

Accessibility for people with reduced mobility and the integration of disability into street sports through the development of a handisport competition are among FISE’s priorities.

Egalité & équité dans le sport

L’accessibilité aux compétitions pour tous, sans discrimination aucune fait partie du cœur du festival. Le FISE met un point d’honneur à égaliser le prize money entre les hommes et les femmes.

A CSR policy reviewed every year

Our CSR policy is based on our commitments to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and is the guideline for our actions, enabling us to play an active role in sustainability by placing people and the environment at the heart of our responsibilities. In the spirit of a progressive approach, we revise our policy according to the progress made and the new action plan.